Newshttp://legacy.actionforhappiness.orgLatest news.Dalai Lama celebrates 10 years of Action for Happiness2021-07-28T13:00:00His Holiness The Dalai Lama says community is the answer to climate change, grief and the pandemic. To Be Hopeful2020-09-09T12:00:00There is so much to be hopeful about, even on ordinary days or when facing challenging times Runs In a Circular Motion2020-09-04T08:00:00Cultivating happiness can help us to recover more quickly from pain and flourish, even in dark times Time for Hope is Now2020-08-17T09:00:00Recent months have reminded us that change is inevitable and can be hard. It's vital we stay hopeful for Challenging Times: the ZOOM Exercise2020-08-11T10:00:00Lots of us are going through hard times. Mindfulness can help us to see our challenges differently. Ageing – an approach to happiness in later life2020-07-23T08:00:00We must challenge our unconscious bias against ageing. Here are 10 steps for happiness in later life For Everyone2020-07-20T08:00:00We have a moral obligation to change our economic paradigm from focus on GDP to focus on wellbeing. Guidance for Online Groups2020-04-22T08:00:00Action for Happiness has launched new guidance for hosting online groups to bring people together. Pause: stay calm in the crisis2020-04-21T08:00:00We are inviting people to take part in a Daily Pause at 8am each day. Join us and spread the word in a time of crisis2020-04-08T08:00:00In this crisis, trust is vital. We must trust in ourselves, in each other and in the world around us to keep mentally healthy during uncertain times2020-03-25T07:00:00How individuals & families can stay as physically and mentally healthy as possible during the crisis and the Happiness of the People2020-03-20T14:00:00Richard Layard explores the implications of the Coronavirus crisis for world happiness. How to respond constructively2020-03-12T10:00:00Our recommended response to COVID-19: Listen to the experts, Keep calm, Make wise & kind choices Release: The course that can make you happier2020-01-21T00:00:00New research shows the Action for Happiness course boosts happiness and reduces mental ill health to let go of regrets and move forward2019-12-12T07:00:00We can change our relationship to regrets, so they feel lighter and become more bearable Kindness Report: a snapshot of Compassion in Britain2019-12-06T00:00:00New 'Kindness Report' reveals the factors that most predict compassion across Britain Business - Profit With Purpose2019-11-07T00:00:00When businesses focus more on fostering wellbeing and being a force for good, everyone benefits meditation can help make families happier2019-07-24T13:00:00Meditating together as a family can help parents and children to lower stress and enhance wellbeing is the New Love2019-05-08T15:00:00By choosing to live a life based on trust we can increase happiness both personally and as a society Ways To Be Happier Together2019-04-12T08:00:00Life is happier when we're together. So how can we widen and deepen our connections with each other? should take happiness more seriously2019-03-20T05:00:00New findings from the 2019 World Happiness Report published on the UN International Day of Happiness Cafe founder receives award2019-03-19T10:00:00Action for Happiness supporter Stan has received a special award for founding the Happy Cafe network Achievements in 20182019-01-07T06:00:002018 was another great year for the Action for Happiness movement. Thanks for all your support :) Happiness Revolution2018-10-12T10:00:00The world happiness movement is already helping to change our culture and way of life. how to explore our true selves as we really are2018-09-28T10:00:00To become increasingly aware, we must be willing to explore our true selves as we really are Children’s Happiness Matters2018-09-09T08:00:00We must prioritise children's emotional health - it's the best predictor of their lifelong wellbeing Happiness matters more than economic growth2018-03-15T09:00:00The best things in life aren't things. And there's more to happiness than just increasing GDP. for Happiness becomes an independent charity2018-01-25T09:00:00We are proud to announce that Action for Happiness is now an independent charity are character strengths?2018-01-09T11:00:00When we become aware of our own strengths, we can learn how to use them more and develop them for Happiness2017-12-04T09:00:00Writing contributes to happiness. It's not about getting published, it's about the joy of writing. You Hear My Voice?2017-11-13T08:00:00Inspirational music score set to raise funds for charities close to choir founder's heart Letter to Shame2017-11-09T10:00:00Andy Bradley encourages those who are inhibited by shame to approach themselves with more compassion in the workplace2017-10-16T07:00:00Organisations that genuinely care for the wellbeing of their people are happier and more effective. and Values Education: Where do we go from here?2017-10-11T16:00:00For young people to flourish, we need to help them learn the values and skills for a fulfilling life self-care is vital to our mental wellbeing2017-10-10T06:00:00The best way to get more done may be to spend more time doing less Story of Kindness2017-09-23T11:00:00The world is full of human beings committing acts of kindness and selflessness every day, everywhere is Post-Traumatic Growth?2017-09-18T13:00:00Traumatic experiences are hard to deal with. But they can also act as a catalyst for positive change Person, Happy People, Happy Planet2017-08-31T08:00:00On the eve of the Resurgence Festival of Wellbeing, Satish Kumar shares a new vision of Wellbeing Kindness Great Again2017-07-26T09:00:00Asha Lalai explains how an inspiring new kindness campaign is making a difference in the Netherlands a happier life and building a more peaceful world2017-06-21T09:00:00When we recognise what really matters, we can live a happier life and help make a better world too. mindfulness change the world?2017-06-05T09:00:00When we learn to live more mindfully, we can use this to help to change the world around us too the Action for Happiness course is changing lives2017-06-02T12:00:00Our "Exploring What Matters" course is already having a positive impact in lots of local communities's Good: daily gratitude for a happier life2017-05-01T00:00:00What's Good is a new app designed to help us all experience more gratitude each day. our life: why less is more2017-04-21T10:00:00By simplifying our life, we can rediscover what really matters to us, particularly the small things how to maximise your mental potential2017-04-18T09:00:00By moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset we can transform our motivation & our performance Future of Happiness - how to thrive in the Digital Age2017-04-11T10:00:00Technology has the potential to enhance happiness, but it also brings challenges for our wellbeing should prioritise emotional health2017-02-01T11:00:00There's more to life than exam results. Schools must focus on young people's emotional wellbeing too the World Needs Constructive Journalism in 20172017-01-12T08:00:00We need more journalism that focuses on solutions and good news, not just problems and bad news is a precious gift2016-12-12T10:00:00When we feel listened to we feel valued, heard and understood. It's like receiving a precious gift. Keys to Happier Living2016-11-02T10:00:00Discover 10 factors that are really important for our wellbeing and what we can do about them to survive and thrive2016-10-31T09:00:00If we want young people to be more resilient, we need to help them learn how to fail and recover shift from fear to love2016-10-23T06:00:00If we want a happier and more caring world, we need to shift our focus from fear to love. to be a better hero than Batman2016-10-07T15:00:00Michael Plant shares the five most effective ways you can help create a happier world yoga for mental health2016-10-06T08:00:00Laughter yoga is a great antidote to stress and can help us be more resilient when facing challenges Happiness - a response to The Economist2016-09-29T09:00:00Workplaces where people are genuinely happy are better for staff, customers and company performance Mindfulness to Children2016-09-13T09:00:00Shamash Alidina shares some simple tips to help teach mindfulness ideas to children self-compassion is so important2016-09-05T10:00:00Why is it that so many of us struggle to offer the same kindness to ourselves as we do to others? the benefits of gratitude2016-08-31T11:00:00One of the simplest habits to live a more positive life is to take a moment every day to be grateful your Happiness Book Club2016-08-04T12:00:00Psychologies is partnering with Action for Happiness to launch a new monthly Happiness Book Club to do when it feels like society has gone all wrong2016-06-29T09:00:00Sanderson Jones looks at how we can respond positively when it feels like society has gone all wrong People Healthier Planet2016-06-09T09:00:00Why focusing more on the true sources of happiness & wellbeing can be better for the environment too what matters – the Nottingham experience2016-06-02T07:00:00Sarah Dale shares her experience of leading the 8-week "Exploring What Matters" course in Nottingham your way to happiness2016-05-05T10:00:00Jon Cousins shares how he learned to 'nudge' his way towards greater happiness and how you can too does happiness mean to you?2016-05-04T10:00:00Happy is a much used word, but what does being happy really mean? Karen Liebenguth shares her views steps to happiness2015-11-10T15:00:00Having overcome a period of severe depression Rachel Kelly shares her simple tips for a happier life Lama launches new course for a happier and more caring world2015-09-20T00:00:00Dalai Lama supports the launch of "Exploring What Matters", the 8-week Action for Happiness course really matters for a happy and meaningful life?2015-07-08T10:00:00Dan Goleman explains how Action for Happiness' work fits with the Dalai Lama's vision for our world those who bring happiness to others2015-07-01T10:00:00Our local Action for Happiness group in Brighton helped organise the city's first ever "Happy List" at Halow2015-06-12T10:00:00Izzy McRae discovers how positive psychology ideas can help people in surprising and inspiring ways is emotional intelligence?2015-06-05T11:00:00By understanding and managing our emotions effectively, we can greatly increase our quality of life importance of the little things2015-05-25T08:00:00Kate Libby explains how appreciating the little things has helped her cope in the middle of a crisis can companies create a happier culture?2015-05-20T09:00:00Emma Bennett shares her ideas on simple ways to make workplaces more supportive for mental wellbeing Power of Community: Potluck Celebrations 2015-02-28T09:00:00Bringing people together to share food and fun is a fantastic way to boost local community wellbeing can beat mental health stigma 2015-02-18T09:00:00Talking about mental health in a casual way with our friends and family helps to break down stigma mindful way through stress2015-01-26T09:00:00Mindfulness is not just a set of techniques - it is a way of living that brings enormous benefits depression and anxiety2015-01-06T09:00:00Lucy discovered practical ways to overcome her depression and now she's helping others do the same case for Positive Education2014-12-10T07:00:00The new International Positive Education Network is aiming for a shift in priorities in our schools your way to happiness2014-12-03T17:00:00Keeping a 'wellbeing diary' can help us focus more on the things that really matter's kindness project inspires commuters2014-11-28T12:00:00Pupils at John Stainer School have been spreading acts of kindness across their local community does Stoicism offer the modern world?2014-11-24T08:00:00Stoicism is an ancient philosophy of proactive action which is still highly relevant for modern life stress ever be good for wellbeing?2014-11-18T00:00:00Stress can improve our wellbeing - if we stop to recognise it and take a more compassionate approach looking for your passion. Unlock it2014-10-17T08:00:00Living life with passion isn't about pursuing one thing; its about finding love in everything you do Science of Happiness2014-08-05T09:00:00Positive psychology is not about ignoring what's wrong; it's about seeing life as it really is losing everything to finding happiness2014-05-23T08:00:00After recovering from losing everything, Sharon Bull is now helping others to transform their lives Politics of Happiness2014-05-21T09:00:00If we want a happier society we need to address poverty and inequality and rethink education happiness matters more than national wealth2014-03-19T00:00:0087% of people choose happiness and wellbeing over wealth as their priority for society could be the key to a happier life2014-03-05T00:00:00Self-acceptance is a vital habit for happiness, yet it’s often something we're not very good at for Happiness - Key Achievements2013-12-20T00:00:00Action for Happiness has made a great deal of positive progress since its launch in April 2011 is short, don’t delay happiness2013-08-26T09:00:00No-one on their deathbed looks back wishing they'd spent more time in the office news, we're slightly happier. But why?2013-07-31T06:00:00Results show that UK wellbeing has increased over the last 12 months, but what's behind this rise? free from our negativity bias2013-07-05T13:00:00We can counter our inbuilt 'negativity bias' by focusing more on the good things happening around us changed my life2013-07-03T09:00:00Gareth explains how three years of mindfulness have transformed his life from anxiety to happiness to be happy and save the world2013-05-29T12:00:00Living a happier life isn't just good for people, it could also hold the key to saving our planet for vulnerable people2013-05-01T12:00:00How can lessons from the new science of happiness be applied to help homeless and vulnerable people? Nations International Day of Happiness2013-03-08T08:00:00On 20 March 2013 the first UN International Day of Happiness will be celebrated all around the world good character matters more than passing exams2013-02-04T12:00:00Anthony Seldon argues that schools should prioritise character-building above exam results want a more caring and compassionate society2013-01-24T00:00:00Results from the first assessment of UK values finds that caring for others is people's top priority choosing happiness before profits2013-01-15T13:00:00A new breed of entrepreneurs are putting happiness before profits and reaping the rewards’t be afraid of being the person you have become2013-01-08T12:00:00The world would be better if we all accepted that we make mistakes, and that we're not perfect to make your workplace happier in 20132013-01-03T12:00:00Make your workplace a happier one in 2013 and encourage your employers and colleagues to do the same for a happier 20132013-01-01T12:00:00A better approach to new year's resolutions: do things to make you and others around you happier track of your mood and beat the New Year blues2012-12-31T14:00:00People who measure and track their mood are much more likely to beat the New Year blues who we are and wanting what we have2012-11-23T11:00:00Faith traditions and modern science both show us the importance of inner wisdom and outer generosity’s Happiness Day: sharing happiness and hope 2012-11-09T08:00:00Saturday 10th November 2012 is Scotland's Happiness Day, a unique day of inspiring activities’s-happiness-day-sharing-happiness-and-hopeGetting the balance right2012-09-26T13:00:00To mark National Work-Life Week, Nina Grunfeld looks at practical ways to get more balance in life don't have to be ruthless to succeed in life2012-09-14T14:00:00A young Londoner's perspective on why compassion is preferable to success at the expense of others 2012: The Optimism Legacy2012-08-31T10:00:00Can we maintain that amazing sense of optimism that swept across the UK during the Olympics games? you learn how to be happier in one weekend?2012-08-29T17:00:00What happens when you spend a weekend learning about the "science of happiness" and how to apply it? call for greater focus on children's wellbeing2012-08-24T10:00:00New multidisciplinary movement launched to promote and enhance the wellbeing of children in the UK opportunity to improve the nation's wellbeing 2012-07-24T11:00:00First annual UK wellbeing data shows we should be doing more to help people whose lives are unhappy happiness in Bristol2012-07-19T17:00:00Happy City is bringing happiness, creativity and community action to the Bristol Harbour Festival discrimination against mental illness in the health service2012-06-18T08:00:00Top economists, psychologists, psychiatrists and NHS managers demand greater focus on mental health find happiness at summer camps2012-05-31T10:00:00Summer camps can be a life-changing and very happy experience for youngsters from all backgrounds a more generous life2012-05-16T12:00:00We all can be leaders of change, by living more generous lives and inspiring others to do the same World Happiness Report launched at United Nations2012-03-29T18:00:00A new "World Happiness Report" is being released at the first United Nations conference on happiness vital shift in priorities2012-03-19T13:00:00Happiness is less about what we earn or own and more about our relationships and what we contribute needs a cabinet minister for mental health2012-03-05T14:00:00Lord Richard Layard argues that mental health should be the sixth pillar of the welfare state Depression with the Science of Happiness 2012-03-04T12:00:00Evidence-based positive psychology techniques can help to alleviate anxiety and depression're starting to measure what really matters2012-02-28T12:00:00The Office for National Statistics publishes new data on UK national wellbeing sands: a changing working landscape?2012-02-24T08:00:00Well-Being is a multi-faceted topic that is driving some seismic changes in our working lives is World Happy Day2012-02-11T00:00:00World Happy Day sees events happening in 600 locations across 60 countries and all 7 continents about the happiness of others2012-02-06T13:00:00Richard Layard, co-founder of Action for Happiness, talks with Richard Holloway about happiness has vital role in creating a happier society2012-01-16T15:00:00Response to report from the Institute of Economic Affairs about wellbeing and the role of government blues? Or as good a month as any other?2012-01-16T06:00:00Ignore the bogus theories about January being the most depressing month. Lets embrace what it brings Universities Pledge To Promote Mental Wealth In 20122012-01-13T16:00:00Campaign sees groups at 25 universities pledge to promote good mental health and wellbeing in 2012 things in life make us happiest, research shows2012-01-06T08:00:00Simple things in life - like spending time with family - make us the happiest, a survey has revealed,-research-showsOldspeak happiness: a review of the film Happy2012-01-05T09:00:00Ben Irvine reviews "Happy", the inspiring film from Roko Belic about what really causes happiness Year Resolution to make your workplace happier2012-01-03T00:00:00Make your workplace a happier one in 2012 and encourage your employers and colleagues to do the same Resolutions for the new year2011-12-31T12:00:00A better approach to new year's resolutions: do things to make you and others around you happier for Happiness: our highlights of 20112011-12-22T20:00:00Wow, what a year 2011 has been. So many happy memories! Lots still to do but some great progress too happier society is both desirable and possible2011-12-15T17:00:00Lets stop aiming for lives filled with riches and focus on helping people lead richer, happier lives a message to world leaders2011-12-05T20:00:00The President of the European Council calls for world leaders to make happiness a priority in 2012 momentous day for a happier UK2011-12-01T20:00:00Action for Happiness responds to the publication of the first official UK wellbeing data from ONS workplaces are better for people and for business2011-11-21T00:00:00Only 2% of people say they work just to pay the bills, for 90% being happy at work is important. happiness before growth2011-11-05T10:00:00Action for Happiness responds to #occupy protests by calling for happiness to be put before growth Summer of our Discontent2011-10-31T00:00:00Positive psychology interventions can have a profound impact on the happiness of young people. of happiness2011-09-20T08:00:00The path to inner joy is simple – commit acts of kindness, relax and be thankful for what you've got 11: Be part of something bigger2011-09-06T10:00:00Creating happier workplaces; getting serious about happiness; Matthieu Ricard; Headspace and more Sachs on the Pursuit of Happiness2011-08-30T13:00:00Happiness is achieved through a balanced approach to life, as individuals and as a society Tends to Deter Crime2011-08-24T10:00:00A new study reports that happy teenagers are less likely to be involved in crime and drug use 10: Riots, schools and measuring happiness2011-08-12T09:00:00What caused the riots; happiness in schools; from measurement to action; connecting; your views,-schools-and-measuring-happinessWell-Being and Action for Happiness2011-08-11T07:00:00The purpose of life and government should be the wellbeing of people not just the creation of wealth show why the happiness agenda is vital2011-08-09T20:00:00Many of the underlying factors behind the current riots in the UK lead back to the happiness agenda Happiness in People with Depression2011-07-28T11:00:00Researchers propose a new and less expensive approach to treat depression isn't action, and it's action that counts2011-07-25T00:00:00Action for Happiness calls for government action to improve well-being not just measure it,-and-its-action-that-countsWhat does "flourishing" look like?2011-07-19T22:00:00A flourishing society is proactive and positive rather than reactive and negative and public policy2011-07-12T10:00:00Should there be a permanent change in the way we think about the purposes of politics? has serious benefits2011-07-10T18:00:00Should we laugh learn to laugh more? Laughter is a natural tonic for our body, mind and emotions together: the secrets of authentic relationships2011-07-07T16:00:00Building strong and authentic relationships is one of the most rewarding adventures we can undertake positive approach to chronic illness and disability2011-07-05T11:00:00We can do much more to help people with chronic illness and disability to live flourishing lives good conversations matter2011-06-23T16:00:00It is striking how bad most of us are at having a conversation. Alain de Botton explores why What crisis?2011-06-20T15:00:00If our well-being is good, we’ll be in a better position to enjoy the happy moments and help others 9: A Good Week2011-06-10T10:00:00A Good Week; Do things for others; Happiness posters; Headspace tickets; What do you think? Beneficial Side Effects of Kindness2011-06-02T07:00:00Kindness makes us happier and healthier; it also helps us live longer and have better relationships happiness: balancing desires and needs2011-05-31T17:00:00We must find ways to balance our short-term personal desires with our long-term collective needs looks to compare happiness across nations2011-05-24T13:00:00The OECD is turning to private citizens to help it figure out how to measure happiness. should focus on wellbeing rather than growth2011-05-24T09:00:00We have entered a 'beyond-growth' economy and need enterprises that aim to deliver wellbeing activities good for men's health and happiness2011-05-23T09:00:00Simply observing culture improves the physical health and mental wellbeing of men unhappiness2011-05-20T13:00:00Happiness is vital, and in order to understand how to maintain it we need to understand unhappiness 512011-05-16T10:00:00Martin Seligman lays out his vision for 51% of the world's population to be "flourishing" by 2051'Five-a-day-for-the-mind' to be trialled by NHS2011-05-16T09:00:00A daily dose of mood-boosting 'mindapples’ could help people’s mental well-being, Altruism and Adventure2011-05-09T16:00:00Afterglow is the type of happiness you experience after having done something you feel good about.,-altruism-and-adventure'Happiness gene' discovered2011-05-06T08:00:00New 'happiness gene' reported, but other factors still explain majority of variation in happiness satisfaction and state intervention2011-05-05T14:00:00People in countries with greater state intervention report being more satisfied with life 8: Building a happier society together2011-05-05T10:00:00Our new website; An action-packed launch; Action for Happiness groups; News; Thank you! is looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses2011-05-04T08:00:00Remembering the good times and forgetting about the bad are the keys to happiness claims a new study off, chip in, be happy, say activists2011-04-27T14:00:00If you want to be happy, elect your boss, take a break from your mobile phone and give to charity,-chip-in,-be-happy,-say-activistsFive things I have learned2011-04-23T10:00:00Action for Happiness founder Anthony Seldon reveals the five most important things he has learned, family and birthdays 'make children happiest'2011-04-16T09:00:00Friends, family and birthdays top the list of things that UK children say make them happy.,-family-and-birthdays-make-children-happiestAction for Happiness2011-04-14T08:00:00An exciting thing happened on Tuesday. Action for Happiness, a new charity, celebrated its launch launches with free hugs and love2011-04-13T09:00:00Members pledge to create caring action groups at work, home and in the community for Happiness movement launches2011-04-13T08:00:00The world's first membership organisation dedicated to spreading happiness has been launched becoming 'increasingly miserable'2011-04-12T16:00:00Campaign warns that Britons have become miserable because they are selfish, unfit, and antisocial. our priorities right2011-04-12T14:00:00Today sees the launch of Action for Happiness - a new mass movement for social change mass movement for a happier society launches with rallying call to action2011-04-12T09:00:00Action for Happiness, a new mass movement to create a happier society, launches today (12 Apr 2011) a happier society possible?2011-04-11T11:00:00Joseph Rowntree Foundation/University of York Annual Lecture 2011 by Lord Richard Layard now?2011-04-09T09:00:00We want our children to discover that contributing to a common good is ultimately more satisfying pursuit of happiness2011-04-06T09:00:00When it comes to promoting wellbeing and mental health, a holistic approach can be more beneficial – and how to find it2011-04-03T10:00:00A new organisation called Action for Happiness wants to help change the world for the better–-and-how-to-find-itThe philosophy of happiness2011-04-03T07:00:00The idea that happiness matters is very British in its modern origins. peaks in our eighties2011-03-28T10:00:00Scientists claim our happiest years do not arrive until our late seventies and eighties Happy Children2011-03-26T08:00:00Few parents grasp the meaning of happiness for their children or how they can help them find it directly impacting on children’s well-being2011-03-17T08:00:00The current economic situation is having a major impact on children's well-being’s-well-beingSix Ways to Boost Your “Habits of Helping"2011-03-15T10:00:00Want to live a longer, healthier life? We explain how to reap the benefits of practising altruism“habits-of-helpingMoving towards a happier society2011-03-14T10:00:00We can all take positive steps to increase our wellbeing, and Action for Happiness is here to help 7: Ten keys to Happier Living2011-03-04T12:00:00Ten Keys; Action for Happiness launch; Headspace tickets; Teaching Happiness; Two inspiring videos 'helps you live longer'2011-03-03T20:00:00Research found clear and compelling evidence that happiness leads to better health and longer life happiness survey questions revealed2011-02-24T18:00:00The Office for National Statistics has published its proposed survey questions to measure happiness a gratitude journal improve your outlook on life?2011-02-22T13:00:00Faisal Sethi’s website 'Happyrambles' encourages us to write down things we’re grateful for each day emotions enhance mental health and life satisfaction2011-02-14T07:00:00Positive emotions help to build enduring personal resources, including social support and resilience for Happiness partners with ICEP Europe2011-02-11T09:00:00ICEP Europe offers Action for Happiness members scholarships for online 'Teaching Happiness' course 6: Launch event and 'Teaching Happiness'2011-02-10T10:00:00Launch event; 'Teaching Happiness' scholarship; Recent activities and events; News; Extreme Kindness science of happiness: happier people are healthier2011-02-02T09:00:00Science proves that smiling and cheerfulness are linked to heart protection and predict health Do we have a choice?2011-01-28T10:00:00Objective choices make a difference to happiness over and above genetics and personality 5: BBC coverage and Headspace tickets2011-01-27T10:00:00BBC 'Happiness Challenge'; Headspace event tickets; Join the debate online; Coming soon... Changes Brain Structure in Eight Weeks2011-01-21T09:00:00An 8-week mindfulness meditation program leads to measurable positive changes in brain structure Challenge on BBC Breakfast 2011-01-11T00:00:00All this week (24-28 Jan) BBC Breakfast is running a series of features on the theme of happiness Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage2010-12-31T08:00:00In modern relationships, people are looking for a partnership that makes their life more interesting‘me’-marriageNewsletter 4: Christmas update2010-12-23T11:00:00Website design; Member survey results; Meet Up group; School of Life; News; Two inspiring videos Ways Giving Is Good for You2010-12-13T13:00:00New studies attest to the benefits of giving - not just for the recipients but for the givers too really doesn't buy happiness - in the long term at least2010-12-13T10:00:00A sample of 37 nations found that increasing happiness does not go in hand with increasing wealth the Gift of Happiness2010-12-03T11:00:00Once our basic needs are met, experiences actually make us happier than any "thing" money can buy happiness is elusive2010-12-02T07:00:00Happiness is the precursor to success and fulfilment, not the other way around 3: Movement for Happiness is changing2010-12-01T11:00:00Action for Happiness! Follow on Facebook and Twitter; How you can support us; Happiness in the news and Your Community Wellbeing2010-11-30T13:00:00People with thriving wellbeing are often moved by the impact they have had on others The Secret to Happiness2010-11-30T11:00:00Daily gratitude practice can lead to increased concentration, enthusiasm, optimism and satisfaction Happiness? Invest in Relationships, Not Just Markets2010-11-28T10:00:00We’ve all heard that money can’t buy love. Now comes the news that it can't even buy you happiness,notjustmarketsAn index of happiness is at least a worthwhile endeavour2010-11-26T10:00:00Cameron has asked the Office for National Statistics to come up with a way to measure our wellbeing Layard speech at Wellbeing Conference, HM Treasury2010-11-25T11:00:00Speech by Lord Layard at the HM Treasury conference to mark launch of the ONS wellbeing consultation,-hm-treasuryFor better or worse, happiness is hitched to your spouse2010-11-25T09:00:00Study of married couples finds contentment waxes and wanes with your partner's,-happiness-is-hitched-to-your-spousePrioritising the things that really matter2010-11-24T12:00:00Let’s stop aiming for lives filled with riches and focus instead on helping people lead richer lives You. No, Thank You2010-11-23T08:00:00Grateful People Are Happier, Healthier Long After the Leftovers Are Gobbled Up,-thank-youNewsletter 2: Latest news from the Movement2010-11-17T11:00:00We want your views! Our latest thinking; Recent highlights; Happiness in the news; Thank you Happiness? Practice Kindness2010-11-09T09:00:00Can we be truly, lastingly happy if we are not also kind, generous and compassionate? 1: Thanks for all your support2010-10-27T11:00:00A great response; Our new director; So what's next? Get involved say key to happiness is helping others2010-10-10T09:00:00More than half of Britons believe helping others is important to achieving happiness't Worry: Happiness Levels Not Set in Stone2010-10-05T09:00:00A new study finds that people's happiness levels can change substantially over their lifetimes College extends 'happiness lessons' to parents2010-09-20T12:00:00Wellington College is extending its wellbeing, resilience and happiness classes to parents too secret of happiness: Family, friends and your environment2010-08-15T08:00:00How do you find contentment in an acquisitive society? By changing the things you spend money on. business case for happiness at work2010-07-28T08:00:00Why happiness at work is a business imperative for everyone Happiness Matters2010-03-28T11:00:00Our founders explain why happiness matters and why we need a new movement for positive social change Relaxation Techniques for Adolescent Anxiety2007-04-07T09:00:00Being a teen is hard. Here are some simple relaxation techniques to help teenagers deal with anxiety or Success - which comes first?Success doesn't guarantee happiness. But when we're happy we're much more likely to be successful