* IMPORTANT: Please note that due to the current crisis
face-to-face gatherings are not currently taking place in any Happy
Cafes to protect people's wellbeing *

We're delighted that Action for Happiness supporters have
started to create "Happy Cafés" in their local communities.
The idea is simple and inspiring: a friendly and welcoming place to
meet other people with a shared interest in promoting happiness and

Our fabulous Brighton group created the very first
Happy Café, based at the Emporium, and this was followed by London's
first Happy Café at The
Canvas in East London. There are now over 100 cafés in the UK
and around the world (see map below).

Stan Rosenthal, a co-organiser of the Brighton group and the
brains behind the Happy Café idea, said: "I hope the UK's first
Happy Café will become a beacon of happiness in Brighton to
reinforce and inspire people in their search for wellbeing".
Ruth Rogers, founder of The Canvas said: "We want to be your
Happy Place in London; to provide a place where you can express
yourself and be inspired by others".

Happy Cafés have a range of literature, posters, pamphlets and
postcards relating to happiness on display - and Action for
Happiness supporters can identify themselves to each other by
wearing a lapel badge available at the Café.
Mark Williamson, director of Action for Happiness, said: "The
Happy Café concept is fantastic, as it creates a hub where
people can connect and share inspiration together. These local
connections hold the key to happier lives and a happier
> Click here for Happy Cafe Network map
* Please note: Map Under Review. We
are currently reviewing updating the status of cafes on
this map and during this period we advise you to check with
the cafes and/or any organiser listed on whether they are still
functioning as Happy Cafes before visiting them.
If you'd like to find out more about how you could start a Happy Café near you, please contact Stan Rosenthal via email at stan.rosenthal@actionforhappiness.org.

Download the Happy Cafe flyer artwork in printable or print-shop ready formats.

Downloads and ResourcesRelated pages
PDF Downloads
What people are sayingRead more about the Happy Café in this article from the Brighton Argus: All smiles as UK's first Happy Cafe is launched.
And here are some quotes from people who've been to recent Happy Café gatherings:
- "Hi, I had a really nice morning chatting about happiness and meeting new like minded people. Thank you for that and I will try and keep this outlook up through out my day. I look forward to the next meeting" ~ Suzanne
- "It was a great way to start the weekend with friendly welcoming people. Friendly chat alongside in depth discussions on personal world views; great to share" ~ Kathy