Do you want to help create a happier and kinder world? If so, please join our movement, add your pledge and we'll send you practical action ideas to make a difference. By choosing to Join, you trust Action for Happiness to take care of your personal information and agree to our Privacy Policy.
I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me
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On this page you can browse our resources and see example of inspiring projects led by Action for Happiness members.
Happy City
The Happy City initiative is bringing people together, strengthening connections between communities and spreading happiness across Bristol and beyond.
Morning Gloryville
Morning Gloryville creates immersive morning (sober) dance party events which help boost happiness and social connections, while also being great for health, fun and creativity.
Mindapples promotes mentally healthy living for everyone by promoting simple, daily activities and by asking people: "What's the 5-a-day for your mind?"
Wheel of Wellbeing
Body. Mind. Spirit. People. Place. Planet. The Wheel of Well-being is a great resource if you're interested in health and happiness - from a personal or a professional perspective
Website: Happiness at work survey
Brilliant tool to understand and improve happiness at work
Book: The Happiness Advantage
The 7 Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success & Performance at Work
Book: Working with Emotional Intelligence
What emotional intelligence is and why it counts in the workplace
Book: Happy at Work: Ten Steps to Ultimate Job Satisfaction
Practical and concise plan to help you create a happier work life
Book: Delivering Happiness
A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose
Website: i-resilience
Free-to-use tool to asses your resilience at work
Download: Happy at Work Manifesto
25 things you need to know and do to be happy at work
Book: People Skills
Explores skills needed to develop more meaningful human relationships
Website: Belbin Team Roles
Exploring the dynamics of teams
Website: Happy People
Award-winning company offering great service and creating a great place to work
Website: Positive Organisations
Bringing the science of flourishing to organisations and leaders
Website: Great Place To Work
Providing workplace culture assessments and transformation tools
Book: The Play Ethic
A Manifesto For a Different Way of Living
Website: Shawn Achor
Inspirational speaker on happiness and human potential at work
Website: Getting On Brilliantly
Recipes for Successful Meetings
Website: Investors In People
Improving business performance
Website: Business in the Community: Workwell
Managing emotional wellbeing to help managers build team resilience
Website: Business in the Community: Health & Wellbeing
Business action for working well
Book: Glow: How You Can Radiate Energy, Innovation and Success
How to be more innovative, more collaborative, better connected
Website: Robertson Cooper
Helping orgnisations to improve well-being and engagement in their workforces
Website: The Happy Manager
Growing collection of resources for all managers who want more happiness at work
App: Check Your Mood
Web-based business tool for checking stress and mental health at work
Website: MBTI Personality Types
Knowing your personality type according to Jungian theory
Download: Happy Manifesto
Ideas and approaches you can put into practice to make your workplace great
Website: Bounce Forward: Teaching Resilience
Leading-edge expertise in enabling young people and communities to flourish
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