Here are some questions to think about to help you apply the 10 Keys to Happiness at work…
Giving:How am I helping and supporting colleagues, customers, our partners, external advisers and suppliers? How does my work make a difference to others?
Relating:How can I enhance my relationships at work? How do I balance work and home life?
Exercising:How can I build physical activity into my day? How am I making sure that I am eating well and getting enough rest?
Appreciating:How can I build moments of mindfulness into my working day?
Trying out:What skills am I building or new things have I experienced?
Direction:What are my goals at work - today, this week, this year? How do these fit and contribute to my overall life goals and help me grow in competence, build my relationships and contribute to others? How can my goals and those of my team and organization align?
Resilience:What are my tactics for dealing with tough challenges at work? Am I focusing on what I can control? Do I need to ask others for some help? Is there any one around me that might need help?
Emotion:What things (however small) can I find to feel good about at work today? What's made me smile? How am I sharing these with others?
Acceptance:How am I making best use of my strengths at work? Am I taking a balanced view perspective on what I'm doing well and not so well?
Meaning:How does my work today connect with my overall purpose and what gives meaning to my life?
…So now what action will you take to increase happiness at work?