Do you want to help create a happier and kinder world? If so, please join our movement, add your pledge and we'll send you practical action ideas to make a difference. By choosing to Join, you trust Action for Happiness to take care of your personal information and agree to our Privacy Policy.

I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me


Creating a Happier World

On 21 September 2015, over 2000 people joined the Dalai Lama and friends for an afternoon event on the subject of Creating a Happier World. Below are videos of all the main speakers and activities (filmed by The Meridian Trust), plus behind-the-scenes footage and TV coverage.


Many thanks to all of the speakers, to the Lyceum theatre for hosting the event, to The Meridian Trust for filming it, to Alan Stratton & Gui Hung for their 'behind-the-scenes' footage and to our amazing team of event volunteers who made the whole thing happen!


HHDL With Kids

Click here to see see photos from the event


Dalai Lama On Bbc

Watch BBC news coverage about the Exploring What Matters course, including support from our patron the Dalai Lama.

Telegraph HHDL Article

Can you teach yourself to be happy in 8 weeks? (Telegraph magazine, 9 Oct 2015)

Pos News HHDL Article

Choosing Happiness (Positive News)


Do things for others

Giving 200

A Force For Good

Dan Goleman's fantastic new book about the Dalai Lama's vision for our world.

A Force For Good

We are honoured that the work of Action for Happiness features in the book as an example of his ideas being put into practice.

Children's kindness inspires commuters

Brockley Metro Kids V2

Pupils at John Stainer School re-branded Anti-Bullying Week as "It's Cool To Be Kind Week" and have been spreading kindness at school and in their local community.
Read more

Happy Cafes spread positivity

Pos News Pic

Action for Happiness' Happy Cafes spread positivity around the UK

(Positive News, May 2015)

Lucy's story

Lucy Roberts 2

Find out how Lucy used ideas from the Ten Keys to Happier Living to help deal with depression and anxiety: Read Lucy's story


Ten Keys to Happier Living

Great Dream 200

See the full set of posters


Action for Happiness is a small charitable initiative working hard to inspire practical action for a happier and more caring society. Our work relies on donations.

Please join our growing group of supporters and make a donation today. It will really make a difference. Thank you!

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