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Book: Ten Keys to Happier Living

Order your copy of our inspiring,
science-based book and discover how to live a happier life and help
create a happier world.

Children's kindness inspires commuters

Pupils at John Stainer School re-branded Anti-Bullying Week
as "It's Cool To Be Kind Week" and have been spreading kindness at
school and in their local community.

Together we're stronger
Having a network of social connections or high levels of social support has been shown to increase our immunity to infection, lower our risk of heart disease and reduce mental decline as we get older.
Not having close personal ties has been shown to pose significant risks for our health.
Happiness is good for your heart
Harvard School of Public Health examined 200 separate research
studies on psychological wellbeing and cardiovascular health.
Optimism and positive emotion were found to provide protection against cardiovascular disease, to slow progression of heart disease and reduce risk, by around 50%, of experiencing a cardiovascular event, such as a heart attack.
Happiness: a skill you can learn
Western neuroscience has now confirmed what Eastern wisdom has known for a long time: happiness is a skill we can learn.
Research shows that happiness, compassion and kindness are the products of skills that can be learned and enhanced through training, thanks to the neuroplasticity of our brains.
Our happiness is not set in stone
Although our genes influence about 50% of the variation in our personal happiness, our circumstances (like income and environment) affect only about 10%.
As much as 40% is accounted for by our daily activities and the conscious choices we make. So the good news is that our actions really can make a difference.