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I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me



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Newsletter 6: Launch event and 'Teaching Happiness'

10 Feb 2011 | Mark Williamson

It's been great hearing from so many of our members recently. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and sorry if you're still waiting for a reply.

Action for Happiness launch

We're planning an event for our official launch in April. We hope to bring lots of members together to talk about the movement and share ideas.

We would love your views on the event and whether you are likely to attend - please take a minute to fill in our Event Survey.

'Teaching Happiness' scholarship

The Institute of Child Education and Psychology, Europe runs an online course called Teaching Happiness: Positive Psychology for behaviour and learning.

We're delighted to announce that they're offering four free scholarships for Action for Happiness members for their course which starts this month.

For more information and to register interest, visit Teaching Happiness.

Recent activities and events

It seems our recent happiness series with the BBC was well received. You can see all five episodes here: BBC Happiness Challenge.

A video of our recent talk at the School of Life is also now available here and well worth watching: Richard Layard on Happiness.

For a few more days you can also listen to In Pursuit of Happiness which was recently broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and featured Anthony Seldon.

Nic Marks' new TED e-book The Happiness Manifesto is also available. 

Thanks again also to Headspace for the recent free tickets to their mindfulness event. 25 members attended in the end - apologies to all those who were keen but didn't manage to secure one of the free places.

Happiness in the news

To stay in touch with all the latest news follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

And finally…

Next week sees the Extreme Kindness Challenge, organised by the RAK Foundation - why not get involved and spread some happiness?

"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted" - Aesop

As always we'd love to hear from you at info@actionforhappiness.org



Mark Williamson
Director, Action for Happiness


Action for Happiness


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