Do you want to help create a happier and kinder world? If so, please join our movement, add your pledge and we'll send you practical action ideas to make a difference. By choosing to Join, you trust Action for Happiness to take care of your personal information and agree to our Privacy Policy.

I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me



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  • Life is short, don’t delay happiness26 Aug 2013 | Laurence McCahill

    Life is short and we spend most of our waking lives at work. It's a big part of who we are, so it's important that however we earn a living, we also enjoy what we do, ideally in a role that complements important priorities in our lives like family and relationships. No-one on their deathbed looks back wishing they'd spent more time in the office.

  • Startups choosing happiness before profits15 Jan 2013 | Laurence McCahill

    A new breed of entrepreneur is discovering that the secret to building a successful company may be putting happiness before profits. Study after study proves that happy teams are more productive and effective. These new entrepreneurs are choosing business models that are not only successful, but also allow them to spend more time doing what they love and making a positive contribution to society.

  • Resolve to make your workplace happier in 201303 Jan 2013 | Action for Happiness

    Many people going back to work this week will be feeling miserable. The holidays are over, predictions of more economic turmoil abound, and many people will be returning to jobs that they don't enjoy at the best of times. Action for Happiness is proposing a New Year 'resolution' with a difference. Rather than going back to work feeling fed up, people are being asked to commit to make their workplace a happier one in 2013 - and to encourage their employers and colleagues to do the same.

  • Getting the balance right26 Sep 2012 | Nina Grunfeld

    Why do some of us let our work dominate our lives? Why do we so often seem to find it hard to get the balance right? To celebrate National Work-Life Week, Nina Grunfeld looks at practical ways to get a better balance in our lives.

  • Shifting sands: a changing working landscape?24 Feb 2012 | Ben Moss and Sophie Armond

    Well-Being is an enormous, multi-faceted topic that is starting to drive some seismic changes in our working lives. Keeping track of the impact of health, finance, education and day-to-day working life on our well-being – and then taking action to make improvement – is certainly a challenge, but we’ve made huge progress. Now we need to keep the momentum going and make sure the benefits can be consistently and sustainably reaped by all.

  • New Year Resolution to make your workplace happier03 Jan 2012 | Action for Happiness

    Many people going back to work today will be feeling miserable. The holidays are over, predictions of more economic turmoil abound, and many people will be returning to jobs that they don't enjoy at the best of times. Action for Happiness is proposing a New Year 'resolution' with a difference. Rather than going back to work feeling fed up, people are being asked to commit to make their workplace a happier one in 2012 - and to encourage their employers and colleagues to do the same.

  • Happier workplaces are better for people and for business21 Nov 2011 | Action for Happiness

    Today sees a call for radical change in the way we treat people at work, as we launch a new Manifesto for happier workplaces. A happy, fulfilling work environment isn't just great for staff, it also delivers huge benefits to business in terms of a more motivated workforce, improved productivity and ultimately better long-term financial performance.

  • Flourish 5116 May 2011 | Martin Seligman

    Martin Seligman lays out his vision for 51% of the world's population to be "flourishing" by 2051

  • Movement launches with free hugs and love13 Apr 2011 | Guardian

    As drivers angrily beeped their horns and cyclists weaved impatiently through London's traffic, Amandeep Hothi stood cheerily on the pavement holding aloft a sign offering, in pink letters, "Free Hugs". Hothi is part of a new group called Action for Happiness, whose members aim to boost the net amount of joy in the world by being kind to others and countering "an epidemic of loneliness and isolation".

  • Getting our priorities right12 Apr 2011 | Mark Williamson

    Today sees the launch of Action for Happiness - a new mass movement for social change founded by three pioneering thinkers, Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. It is based on one simple idea – that if we want a happier society, we've got to approach our own lives in a way that prioritises the things that really matter, including the happiness of those around us.

  • Is a happier society possible?11 Apr 2011 | Richard Layard

    Lord Richard Layard discusses what we can do to create a happier society. This lecture was presented on 10 March 2011. Lord Layard, Emeritus Professor of Economics at LSE explores four critical areas of our lives that can be optimised to increase happiness: income, human relationships, altruism and work. He goes on to discuss the Action for Happiness movement, which launches on 12 April 2011 and aims to encourage a mass movement of people pursuing a better way of life.

  • Why happiness is elusive02 Dec 2010 | Press.co.nz

    Conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard, get the big promotion, meet the right person, win the lottery we'll be successful and therefore happy. Yet recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have found that's not the case. Happiness itself is the precursor to success and fulfilment, not the other way around.

  • The business case for happiness at work28 Jul 2010 | Psychology Today

    Last week I met someone I'd coached a few years ago for a catch-up dinner. Her face was glowing and she was radiating enthusiasm and energy. Her organization had been through a very tough time with job losses, new management, high levels of uncertainty. And she had been given lots of new challenges to deal with, responsibilities and in areas she'd had little knowledge of. She was loving it all and told me that she was incredibly happy at work. But what is the general effect that supposedly post-recessionary times are having on happiness and productivity?

  • Happiness or Success - which comes first? | Action for Happiness


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I give to charity, I sponsor an orphan in Uganda, Im involved in a community housing project and also in a community fruit harvesting project, I campaign for social and environmental justice, I try to be a good friend to people, I try to have a positve can-do attiutude in life (at work and at home), I am friendly to strangers/neighbours/random people on the bus etc, I try not to live my life in a way that compromises other peoples abil;ity to live theirs (now and in the future).

Amanda, Leeds, UK

10 Apr 2011, 05:42

Small and big things whenever I have the opportunity. I left a corporate job to start my own company Emergency Happiness so I could dedicate my career and life to helping others find happiness and success. I also take pleasure in helping others in small ways such as a smile or a hug

Genevieve, Berkshire, UK

10 Apr 2011, 06:26

I am a nurse and although I get paid for my job I feel in that momnet of caring for my patient I try to give so much comfort and kindness.

Tracey, Bangor, UK

10 Apr 2011, 06:26
One of the big dilemmas people face is what's best to do for their family: work as hard as possible to provide for them - or be there as much as possible, even if that means putting work as a lower priority. I've got a young family and I'm definitely in the latter camp - love, time and support are much more important for a family than a bigger house, expensive holiday or more new stuff.

Mark, Kingston, Surrey

24 Feb 2011, 02:48

At 69, to explore something new and to create something new; I am creating a laughter and happiness club - launches on 2nd April. What happens if only one person attends? Make sure the next session has at least two people attending!

Keith, Carlisle, UK

10 Apr 2011, 06:26

I tend to go in cycles when it comes to exercising, but I definitely notice I am calm when I do exercise. The older I get, the harder it is to stay in shape, so I like to do group classes; I used to run a lot, but now I need more effort on every bit of me - not just calorie burning. When I am exercising consistently, I do it about twice a week. I also walk every where, and occassionally ride my bike - I don't own a car so I get lots of opportunity to do this. It gives me plenty of time to tick over my thoughts!

Charlotte, Bristol, UK

10 Apr 2011, 05:45

I love beauty and people. I stop and look at gardens, people interacting, animals living in our environment, birds, etc. clouds in the sky, changing colours of the light during the day, I stop and pay attention to myself, how I am feeling, thinking. I listen, I love to stop and listen to all the sounds, bells tinkling in the distance... I like to notice the breeze, or the air everyday and breathe in the sunshine or the greyness of the skies, the stars at night, the glow of the moon...

Patricia, Paris, France

10 Apr 2011, 05:57

I allow time to process sadness, grief, loss - knowing I can't move on until I have done so. I remind myself of the successful things I have achieved, including 4 great, balanced and successful children. I always have a number of projects on the go, so if one doesn't work out there are always other things to move on to. I breathe to calm anxiety; I meditate (not necessarily sitting); I talk to supportive friends and family; I write

Lucy, Norwich, UK

10 Apr 2011, 06:00

My life! I am in a good place. I have wonderful family and friends around me. Trying to share the happiness and spread the Positive Psychology with others feels good too. Seeing the ripples of positivity spread outwards.

Miranda, Norfolk, UK

10 Apr 2011, 06:01
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