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The shift from fear to love

23 Oct 2016 | Andy Bradley

Love -over -fear

Love is greater than fear.

Our systems are designed around scarcity and fear, whether in Health and Social Care, Education, Criminal Justice or Business.

We are wedded to the idea that everything can be contained, measured and pinned down.

But being human is messy and difficult. We are tribal.

Our brains are tricky - we still have reptilian and we are easily triggered into fear.

We feel shame and we compare ourselves to each other. We over identify with our thoughts and we under identify with our feelings.

Our power lies in a shift from fear to love


Our power lies in a shift from fear to love, from closed to open, from cold to warm.

This is a shift from simply providing services to creating connected, inclusive, balanced communities.

From I think, therefore I am... to we are therefore we feel.

This is the era of compassion.

We are thinking about Careployment and Care Valleys. Healthy Neighbourhoods. Compassionate Cities. A kinder world.

Silicon valley powered the digital revolution - now we are beginning to understand how to power the care evolution.

This is the politics of small things - of meeting as equals and celebrating our differences.

We all matter.

We have the power to create a new story of care.

We are all ordinary people with extra-ordinary potential.

Here comes everybody.



Andy Bradley is the founder of Frameworks 4 Change, which aims to create and sustain compassionate caring environments for older people, people with mental health issues and people with learning disabilities. He has been named as one of Britain's 50 New Radicals.



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