Do You Hear My Voice?
13 Nov 2017 | News Release
Press Release: 13 November 2017
An innovative musical initiative called Do You Hear My Voice has been launched today
(World Kindness Day) by Mary Bourne, founder and
musical director of the Singing it Back community choir - to raise funds for two charities close to her own

"Everybody has a voice, some more confident than others, but all
voices are important" said Mary. "The way we use our voices can
leave us feeling empowered and valued. My work as a choir leader
and singer has helped me find coping strategies to my manage my own
experience of anxiety and depression."
"The way we use our voices can
leave us feeling empowered and valued"
"There have been times in my own life where I have felt
voiceless or misunderstood. Singing has enabled me to share
my emotions in a safe way. I hope that my composition resonates
with many."

Mary has chosen Anxiety UK and Action for Happiness to benefit from the
funds raised from other community choirs downloading the score and
utilising with their own choirs repertoire in the coming
The score for Do You Hear My Voice was written and produced by
Mary herself. The song has already been performed and recorded by
the 76 singers from Mary's three Singing It Back choirs,
accompanied by the Woking Wind Orchestra.
It can now be downloaded free from her website with voluntary
donations able to be made for the use of the score via

Commenting on the unique fundraising idea Mary Bourne said: "All
too often we suffer in silence. Do You Hear My Voice encourages us
to raise our voices, be heard and feel understood.
"I am hopeful that choirs, schools, individuals, choral
societies, soloists, families and friends will download the score
and enjoy learning and performing the song.
"By giving a voluntary donation for the music, you will be
supporting my two chosen charities, AnxietyUK and Action For
"Singing is a fantastic way to spread
happiness, enhance wellbeing and bring people together in local

Anxiety UK's Chief Executive Nicky Lidbetter said:
"We are thrilled that Mary has chosen Anxiety UK as one
of the charities to benefit from this wonderful initiative and
generous gesture. I know form my own experience of singing in a
community choir how therapeutic it can be".
Dr Mark Williamson, Director of Action For Happiness said:
"Singing is a fantastic way to spread happiness, enhance
wellbeing and bring people together in local communities. Mary's
project is so inspiring and I'm sure people all around the country
will want to get involved".
A campaign to promote awareness of the song is also being
launched today on social media using the hashtag #DoYouHearMyVoice
The music can be downloaded at
Even if you are not part of a choir, you can
get involved by printing the score and encouraging others to learn
the song. There are various versions of the score to enable as many
as possible to get involved, regardless of musical experience.
Notes to Editors
- Mary Bourne is a community choir leader who has
been leading choirs for the past 10 years.
- Anxiety
UK is run by and for those living with and/or affected by
anxiety disorders, stress and depression.
- Action for
Happiness is a movement of people taking action to help create
a happier and more caring society.