Do you want to help create a happier and kinder world? If so, please join our movement, add your pledge and we'll send you practical action ideas to make a difference. By choosing to Join, you trust Action for Happiness to take care of your personal information and agree to our Privacy Policy.

I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me



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Newsletter 8: Building a happier society together

05 May 2011 | Action for Happiness

It's been an incredible few weeks for our movement. We officially launched on April 12 and created a huge buzz across television, radio, newspapers and online. Over 12,000 of us have now joined from more than 100 countries which is a fantastic start!

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Our new website

You can now find a wide range of content on our new website www.actionforhappiness.org, including 10 Keys to Happier Living, 50 practical actions to take, news and much more. Please take a moment to register on the new site so you can make full use of its features.

An action-packed launch

April 12 saw our official launch in London. Thanks so much to the 300 people who helped make it such a wonderful afternoon. Sorry to all those who wanted to be there but couldn't. Find out what happened on our Launch Event page, including videos, photos and more.

Action for Happiness groups

It's fantastic that lots of you are keen to set up Action for Happiness groups. Real change happens when we connect and take action locally. Please tell others about your group ideas on our website or Meetup page. Find out more about why and how to form a group here.

Happiness in the news

There has been an encouraging amount of media coverage relating to Action for Happiness recently. Below is a short selection of articles:

Thank you !

We want to say a huge thanks to everyone who's contributed recently: our amazing volunteers, our wonderful event team, our supporting agencies, our partner organisations and everyone who has joined the movement.

We're passionate about creating a happier society where we prioritise the things that really matter - including loving families, strong communities, positive workplaces and good mental health. Please continue to help spread the word and take action. Together we really can create something better.


I'll leave you with these words from one of our most well-known members, the Dalai Lama:

"No matter what our situation, we all share the same aspiration for happiness. However, genuine and enduring happiness results not from material development alone, but also from the cultivation of inner peace. Moreover, we are all dependent on others for our happiness and therefore, we not only have a right to be happy, but are also responsible for the happiness of others. In encouraging people from all walks of life to play a part in creating a happier society, Action for Happiness is taking an admirable initiative. I wish the project every success and am happy to give it my support." 

If you'd like to get in touch then please email info@actionforhappiness.org

Mark Williamson

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